From WSIS to Now: What Next for Digital Justice

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From WSIS to Now: What Next for Digital Justice?

Civil Society Strategy Meeting, 3-5 March 2024, Penang, Malaysia

Organised by IT for Change, Global Digital Justice Forum, Third World Network and Association for Progressive Communications

Resources for the event

Concept note for the meeting

Draft political calendar to be shared in advance for further inputs

Workshop plan

Day 1 - 03/03/2024 Day 1 agenda

anchors for day - anita and deepti

17.00-18.00 Registration and per diem
18.00-18.45 Welcome and Introductions
18.45-20.00 - Context setting for the meeting and explaining agenda - Anita, Valeria, Yoke Ling

- Reflections and expectations

20.00-21.00 Dinner
Day 2 - 04/03/2024 Day 2 agenda

anchors for the day - Valeria and Sean

9.00-10.50 From WSIS to now - 3 things that have changed - promise, pitfalls - 7 minutes per person in 3 rounds

- Anriette (IG processes) - Emilia (ffd) _________________________ - Chenai (open source) - Jamila (feminist analysis) - Kate (PSI) or Ana Tuvera (ITUC) - worker perspective _________________________ - Neth (food. envt) - Burcu (trade and IP) Moderator - to be decided - 5 min sum up of key messages

10.50-11.20 Break
11.20-12.30 The digital geoeconomic status quo and multilateral rules (data, AI, platformisation as crosscutting) - 8 min each

- Vahini (trade) - Cedric (EU) - Barbara (the UN) - Ana Maria Suarez (food sovereignty, land) - Camila (health, consumer rights) Moderator - TBC - 5 min sum up of key messages

12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Recovering the south - what do sovereignty, decoloniality and selfdetermination really mean - 8 min each

- Alison - Paulo - Anita - Roberto - Rishabh (AI) Moderator -TBC - 5 min sum up of key messages

15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.00 - Towards a CS action agenda

a) What are the priority areas for a common digital justice agenda? b) What do we need to prioritise for civil society action? c) What are our responses/ what needs to be done? and When? d) intersection of processes in the multilateral regime? Groups to refer to political calendar for advocacy national level engagements regional civil society events

Day 3 - 05/03/2024 Day 3 agenda

anchors for the day - Yoke Ling and Guru

9.30-10.30 Plenary - Presentations - 5 groups at 5 minutes each

- After presentation, cluster formation - based on preference

10.30-10.50 break
10.50-12.30 Group work in clusters

- Cluster plan (cluster champs) - what, when, who and how - What specific ideas is the cluster contemplating? (campaign, res briefs, workshop?, cross-pollinate from the last session on Day 2) - prepare presentations

12.30-1.30 lunch
1.30 to 3.00 PM Closing plenary

- sharing from cluster champs - collaboration process discussion - collaboration moments and spaces - and other decisions

3.00-3.30 PM tea
3.30 to 4.15 Organisers' / coordinators' group meeting
4.30 to 5.30 GDJ forum core group meeting

Workshop Reading Resources